Hendry School District







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Nature Park Clean-up

On Saturday, Sep 14, come join CRCA members and FGCU students for a LaBelle Nature Park clean-up and luncheon. We will be going after those persistent air potato plants that are smothering so many of SW Florida's natural lands. Come lend a hand! [Details] [Flyer]

FGCU Service Learning

Join Riverwatch in the Park on Saturday, June 16, for an FGCU Service Learning project. Arrive anytime between 8am and 5pm, but don't miss the free lunch. In addition to trail maintenance, we will be installing new plant ID marker posts. [Announcement] [Plant ID] [Map]

LaBelle Nature Park in pictures

Beautiful pictures of the LaBelle Nature Park are available at the link below. Photo credits to the Florida Gulf Coast University student Rachel Kirkland. Thank you, Rachel, for doing your FGCU service project at the park. [Pictures]

Earth Week in the Park

In May 2012 more than 1000 Hendry and Glades 1st-4th Graders visited the Nature Park and participated in a variety of educational programs. This marks the 6th year of the event. This year included a new presentation on biofuels. [Program] [Caloosa Belle] [Album] [Hendry-Glades] [Photos]

Park Cleanup

One successful cleanup hour took place in the LaBelle Nature Park on Saturday, August 8, organized by the Coalition for Eco-Recreation, with the help of students from Intelligentsia International Inc. The group worked on removing the invasive vine. [Photo 1] [Photo 2] [Photo 3]

City Accepts Park Plan

The city accepted the park management plan it charged the park advisory board to complete. Chairman Craig Bartoshuk presented the plan to the commissioners, who will review it and format edit it before submitting it to the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). The City of LaBelle has leased the site, on the north side of the Caloosahatchee River in Glades County, from SFWMD. [Caloosa Belle]

Growing Tall and Straight

Boy Scout Troop # 9 and their leaders came to the LaBelle Nature Park on Saturday, May 3, armed with wheelbarrows, rakes and shovels to mulch the trails leading to the park's largest oak tree. The Scouts were joined by volunteers representing Rotary, Kiwanis, Greater LaBelle Garden Club and Riverwatch. [Photo]

North Bank Park

A new LaBelle park in Glades County is under development on the north bank of the Caloosahatchee just east of Hwy 29. Plans include hiking, horseback riding, bird watching, and sites for picnicking. Margaret England, one of LaBelle’s foremost environmentalists, is very excited about the prospect of creating a park there. The city has other parks n Barron Park, The Nature Park on Fraser Ave., Sports Park off Cowboy Way and so on but, she says, “who says LaBelle can’t be the City of Parks?”. [Aerial photo map] [Caloosa Belle] [Newszap]

Brochure & Map

A new edition of Nature Park Brochure is available here on our web page.
Just click on the link for a preview of the LaBelle Nature Park.

Printed versions are available in the LaBelle Public Library and Chamber of Commerce.

[See also the park location map] [Download the brochure]

Rotary Benches

Four new Rotary Club benches have been placed along the trails in the Nature Park to enhance the enjoyment and convenience of the Park visitors.
Rotary Club of LaBelle will continue improve the LaBelle Nature Park by placing yet more benches and a security system in the near future.
[More details...]

Natural Resources Education Center Plans

The community envisions a natural resources educational center next to the park, which would provide the schools of Hendry and Glades Counties with science education field trips, classrooms and labs.

The idea for the center was originally suggested by Lois James, one of our Canadian snowbirds. View the Education Center sketches.
[View the Education Center sketches]

Kiosk Plans

A kiosk will soon be built at the park entrance to provide visitors with park brochures and Nature Park information.Intelligentsia International created a design for the kiosk. [View the Kiosk scetches]

Organizations currently involved in discussion of the merits of the park improvement ideas include:

Copyright © 2013 Intelligentsia International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Last edited: Friday, March 28, 2025